Working is the garden has it's payoffs and just looking at these flowers makes it worthwhile.
I worked in the garden yesterday half the day dividing plants and putting out lots of new annuals.
The flowers stay pretty for months and something is always blooming in the gardens until frost.
We are enjoying some nice cool evening and morning. Today I did a 7 mile bike loop around town and enjoyed the cool breeze. The town of Black Mountain is building more greenways to ride and walk and it is so nice not to compete with the cars for the road. I will be happy when the dream trail is build from Black Mountain to Asheville about 15 miles of paved trails by the Swannanoa River .
Epic Bikes has rental bikes in Asheville and there is a good bike trail down the old 70 Road which is now a park way. I love to ride down it but have not mastered coming back up the mountain. I have someone pick me up at the bottom .