Posted by Arbor House NC Thursday, June 14, 2012

Can't ask for a prettier day than today.  The temps are just right and the sky is beautiful
Our guests are all out hiking or riding up to the Craggy Gardens on the parkway to see the rhododendrons in bloom . This week is suppose to be peak blooming time.

It is also a good day to ride up to Mt. Mitchelle to see the mountain top on a clear day without rain or fog.  You can walk up to the tower from the parking lot to see several states when the sky is clear.
Mt. Mitchell is the tallest mountain east of the Mississippi River.  It is taller than Mount Washington in NH.

In the picture above you can see the seven sisters mountain range . The first mountain is Tomahawk and that is were the lake you see got it's name, Lake Tomahawk.  The lake is man made and was constucted as a  goverment work project back in the '30s.  There is a walking path around the lake that is .55 miles . 

Come bring you walking shoes and give it a go.