Missing the fall leaves already

Posted by Arbor House NC Monday, November 1, 2010

Hard to believe it is November and the leaves are now falling on the ground waiting to go in the mulch pile.  My goal this year is to grind them all up to  use in the flower beds.  The flower beds still have blooms since we have not had a frost to kill off the plants.  Hard to believe that the same plants have produced flowers most of the summer into the fall.  This past weekend I bet I cut my last flowers to bring in the house.  It will not make me sad to put the garden to bed for the winter. I will try to wait until  the warm spring  weather to get out there again . Each year I rush it and end up spending hours and hours working in the flower beds.  It was worth all that work this year with all the beautiful plants and flowers.  Hopefully I can dust off my paints this winter in the studio and work on some paintings either in WC or oils.  Running a B&B is never boring so I am sure I will have plenty to keep me busy.