Happy Mother's Day

Posted by Arbor House NC Sunday, May 9, 2010

To all you moms out there Happy Mother's Day. I was treated to flowers, cards and a long hike  today on the Mountain to Sea trail with a nice dinner promised at the end of the hike. Yesterday was spent partly working in the garden getting it ready for all the summer guests. The daisies are trying to take over the garden so I pull them up and put a sign for Free Dasies down by the garden gate and everyone who walks on the lake path can help themselves.
There was rumors of snow up on top of the mountains and judging by the temps of 34 degrees here this morning I wouldn't doubt it could be true.  I feel sorry for the hikers on the AT who are probably wishing for some warmer weather about now. This will be a beautiful June to be on the trail with all the native rhododendron that will be in bloom .  It is a short ride up the Blue Ridge Parkway to go to Craggy Gardens to catch the rhododendron show locally.  If  you haven't seen them it is worth the drive.

Come check them out for yourself.